
De Joden in Berea waren edeler van gezindheid dan die in Thessalonica, want zij ontvingen het Woord met grote bereidwilligheid en onderzochten dagelijks de Schriften om te zien of die dingen zo waren’. (Handelingen 17:11)

Laat ons werken aan ons geloofsopbouw zoals de mensen van Berea. Gemeente Iglesia Bida Nobo biedt  verschillende leertrajecten aan.


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Words from our pastors

Dear brothers and sisters, welcome to our website. We trust that you will find the info you need and that you would be enriched by the content. The Lord's blessings be upon you.
Kenneth Thijm

Kenneth Thijm

Senior Pastor
Brothers and sisters, let us diligently study the Word of God. The Holy Spirit of God cannot be separated from the Holy Scripture.
Marlon Winedt

Marlon Winedt

I trust the Holy Spirit for his guidance in my plans to share teachings about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and teaching from the Gospels on this Leerhuis platform.
John Baker

John Baker
